The Cheatsheets
Windows Enumeration [ cheatsheet ]
Cheatsheet of Windows Enumerationxfreerdp, gui_desktop, docs, tools, search, find, file, config_interfaces, unquoted, scheduled, ad, active_directory, ldap, bloodhound, kerberos, Kerberoast, Rubeus, ntlm_theft, mimikatz, rpc, ldap, tools
Crack hashes [ hashing ]
A basic how-to crack some common hasheslist, ntlm, linux, etc_shadow, single_mode, md5, md4, rzip, rar, webdav, ssh, gpg, wordpress, sha-1, sha2-256, bcrypt, sha-256, sha512crypt, hmac-sha1
Database Enumeration [ cheatsheet ]
Cheatsheet of databases enumerationmssql, query_from_list, locks, logging, debug_mysql, config_editor, profile
Web page Enumeration [ cheatsheet ]
Cheatsheet of random little hack to enumerate a web pageautorecon, crawl, retrieve_links, grab_banner
DNS Enumeration [ cheatsheet ]
Cheatsheet of DNS Enumerationenum, reverse_lookup, snoop, zone_walking, zone_transfer
Linux Enumeration [ cheatsheet ]
Cheatsheet of Linux Enumerationautomated, important_commands, rfi, lfi, sudo, suid, capabilities, crontab, PATH, NFS, stabilize_shell, ssh, vim
Windows Enumeration [ cheatsheet ]
Cheatsheet of Windows Enumerationxfreerdp, gui_desktop, docs, tools, search, find, file, config_interfaces, unquoted, scheduled, ad, active_directory, bloodhound, kerberos, Kerberoast, Rubeus, ntlm_theft, mimikatz
Files [ cheatsheet ]
Cheatsheet of some common files manipulation (linux)write, line, cleanup, compare, find, random, actions, analysis
Fuzz [ cheatsheet ]
Cheatsheet of some common fuzzingwordpress, wpscan, ffuf, gobuster, hydra, cmsmap, drupal
Metasploit [ cheatsheet ]
Cheatsheet of common metasploit helpersscript, pivot, msfvenom, metasploit
Network commands [ cheatsheet ]
Cheatsheet of common network commandsnmap, oneliner, list_nmap_scripts, common_nmap, tcpdump, fping, network_discovery, scan_a_machine, route, ttl
Debugging PHP [ cheatsheet ]
Cheatsheet of random things around denugging PHPdisplay_errors, xdebug, _GET, start_server, wordpress_log_sql, php_version, composer, wordpress_custom_plugin
File sharing / serving [ cheatsheet ]
Cheatsheet of common ways to get and put file in or out of a victim machineserve, python, windows_download, share, netcat_stream, scp, smb, smbmap, smbclient, smbget, troubleshoot, code-execution, conversion
SQL Injection [ cheatsheet ]
Cheatsheet of common things with sql injection (SQLI)sqli, sqlmap, mssql, sql
SSH [ cheatsheet ]
Cheatsheet of common things associated to SSHrandom, login, forwarded_ports, ssh_tunneling, chisel_tunneling