The Cheatsheets

Binary Cheatsheet [ cheatsheet ]

A basic cheatsheet for Binary

CEH Cheatsheet [ cheatsheet ]

A basic cheatsheet for Cheatsheet

Web page Enumeration [ cheatsheet ]

Cheatsheet of random little hack to enumerate a web page
autorecon, crawl, retrieve_links, grab_banner

Files [ cheatsheet ]

Cheatsheet of some common files manipulation (linux)
write, line, cleanup, compare, find, random, actions, analysis

Fuzz [ cheatsheet ]

Cheatsheet of some common fuzzing
wordpress, wpscan, ffuf, gobuster, hydra, cmsmap, drupal

Debugging JS [ cheatsheet ]

Cheatsheet of random things around denugging JS

Metasploit [ cheatsheet ]

Cheatsheet of common metasploit helpers
script, pivot, msfvenom, metasploit

Osint [ cheatsheet ]

Cheatsheet on Osint
osint, wayback

Port Forward [ cheatsheet ]

Cheatsheet of port forwards
plink, chisel, tunnel, port, forward

File sharing / serving [ cheatsheet ]

Cheatsheet of common ways to get and put file in or out of a victim machine
serve, python, windows_download, share, netcat_stream, scp, smb, smbmap, smbclient, smbget, troubleshoot, code-execution, conversion

Reverse Shell [ cheatsheet ]

Cheatsheet for quick reverse shell
troubleshoot, reverse, shell

Sniffer Cheatsheet [ cheatsheet ]

A basic cheatsheet for Sniffers
ceh, wireshark, sniffer

SQL Injection [ cheatsheet ]

Cheatsheet of common things with sql injection (SQLI)
sqli, sqlmap, mssql, sql

SSH [ cheatsheet ]

Cheatsheet of common things associated to SSH
random, login, forwarded_ports, ssh_tunneling, chisel_tunneling

Steganography [ cheatsheet ]

Simple and tiny steganography cheatsheet
steghide, binwalk, strings

Tools [ cheatsheet ]

Cheatsheet of Tools

Wordlist creation [ cheatsheet ]

Wordlist creation with handy common tools
cewl, hashcat, ttpassgen, bash, loop_bash